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Building Safety Product Integrator

How does fire door manufacturer buy fire retardant coating?

How does fire door manufacturer buy fire retardant coating?


    The national fire prevention coating profession has established a relatively perfect standard system, the standard of China's fire retardant coating is very "to the force" the strict level of the requirement is no less than the foreign countries.

    High-rise building fire prevention is the most critical is completes the fire prevention design, fire separation and indoor decorate material selection requirements carefully, strengthen the self-help measures, to ensure that the fire channel dredge and early warning system's normal operation, in the end, should ensure that severe fire management. In addition to high-rise buildings, fire retardant paint application in ordinary family is decorated is also more and more all over.

    The fire prevention coating should pay attention to the following points: first, we should see the production enterprise, the brand enterprise has the good promise to ensure that its product quality is generally more convincing; Secondly, we should carefully understand the relevant quality specifications, carefully compare the objectives and specifications, and may be able to select simple methods for testing; Again, the mo affected by greedy cheap resolution plan, shop around to better control capital. Therefore, when consumer is buying more investigation, learn more, avoid by all means greedy cheap to buy cheap fake coating.

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